Smart Mac Cleaner is the simple and safe solution for freeing up disk space on your Mac. All files found are safe to clean but if for some reason you want to keep certain files you can simple uncheck them and they will be excluded from the cleaning. Even novice users will be able to clean their Mac in just minutes. One click to start a scan and one click to clean all files found. Smart Mac Cleaner has a clean modern design. So easy to use you will have your Mac clean in just minutes The cleanup scan also identifies localized language files and makes it simple to remove languages you don’t need. The cleanup scan finds outdated cache files for Safari, iTunes, iPhoto and more, it finds unnecessary log files and diagnostic reports. Smart Mac Cleaner does more than just empty the multiple trash cans, it deep scans to find hidden files you didn’t even know where hogging space on your hard drive. With Smart Mac Cleaners optimized scan you will immediately know which items on your Mac serve no purpose and can be safely removed. (Formerly Mlpostfactor) (2.0.1) For Macbook 10.10 Free DL Buy Cheap. Our expert development team have spent hundreds of hours figuring out the best way to clean your Mac. Link Del Macpostfactor - / Link De Mac Os X Yosemite. Features & Benefits Takes the guess work out of cleaning you Mac